Socialist Dictators

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This site is about the danger of America becoming a Socialist government and then a dictatorship. Today we feature Cap and Trade, the biggest lie since Socialized Medicine was going to give us better healthcare and save money.

The Truth About Cap and Trade
           Our climate has and always will change, sometimes getting colder, sometimes warmer. This is part of nature so it is natural and good. The average global temperature has not risen in the past few years. Still, every century, since the last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago, temperatures and sea levels have risen.
            Many natural causes, including variable Sun radiation contribute to climate change. Still there is only one thing we hear over and over and it is the greenhouse effect. This is caused mostly by water vapor, which averages about 2% of our atmosphere. In scientific notation 2% is written as 20,000 PPM (parts per million) and therefore water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. In comparison, carbon dioxide is only an insignificant 387 PPM.
            Irrigation for agriculture, and even lawn care, has increased the water vapor in the atmosphere. Worldwide, untold millions of acres are irrigated. The water vapor eventually turns to rain and is evaporated again and again and within four months, most of the water ends up in the ocean. This means a lot more evaporation and more water vapor in the air. Twenty-year studies at some locations show that water vapor is increasing at over 100 PPM per year.
            Carbon dioxide is a trace gas and has relatively little effect on climate change. At 387 PPM, it is well within the normal level. In fact, if the concentration falls below 200 PPM, all green plants will die causing widespread famine and death. The optimal level for most green plants is actually about 1,200 PPM.
           Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant or smog. (Smog components include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, ozone, carbon monoxide, but not carbon dioxide .) We exhale carbon dioxide and it is even added to our soft drinks to make them bubble.
           The vast majority of American top scientists believe carbon dioxide is not a significant climate change gas and 31,478 signed a petition to this effect. Still, ignoring the facts of real science, political science says it is a problem. Through their scare tactics they hope to transfer many billions of dollars from the average hardworking American and give it to their corrupt political friends. It's called cap and trade, and is really a tax on electrical, heat, and fuel that will be passed along to average Americans as higher prices on almost everything. It is wrong, wrong, wrong, and will be the largest tax increase in American history.
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“We must never forget that everything Hitler did was legal.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it.” ~ Ronald Reagan, 1961


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